What to do in unexpected marine pollution and emergency plan

In case an unexpected marine pollution occurs, which may have negative effects on beach visitors, or an accident happens at the beach/in the sea:

  • The Ministry of Environment and Urbanization and relevant municipality should be notified immediately. Governer’s office could be notified also.
  • About marine pollution that occurs due to marine vehicles, port authorities (for cases within the municipal boundaries) or Coast Guard authority (for cases off the municipal boundaries) has the authority and responsibility.

The emergency supervisor should announce that it is inconvenient to swim until the pollutionis taken under control. The announce must be in Turkish and in a relevant foreign language. The supervisor can maket he announcement using one or more of the following methods:

  • Making announcements freguently with megaphones at the beach
  • Placing multiple warning signs in the visible places of the beach
  • Warnings by the municipality speaker
  • Placing a banner in a visible spot at the beach
  • Broadcasting on local radio or TV

Blue Flag is taken down until the cause of the pollution is removed and the reason for taking down is announced on Blue Flag panel.